designed considering your
short attention span
Believe me
Welcome to our community of unconventional thinkers with ideas that break the mold. Uncover our collection of absurd design concepts you wish existed.
Ridiculous Sips
Take a sip of case studies backed by research on user behavior, design trends, and yes, even a healthy dose of humor.
designed considering your short attention span
designed considering your short attention span
designed considering your short attention span
designed considering your short attention span
Shots by the community,
for the community
These quirky shots will make you laugh, ponder, and maybe even say, 'Why didn’t I think of that?'
Jul 23, 2024
Say Goodbye to Verification Code Hassles
Ever wasted precious seconds opening emails just to snag a verification code? This brilliant feature plucks those codes right out and displays them in the subject line. Seamless. Effortless. Ridiculously efficient. Your inner lazy hacker will thank you!
Jul 17, 2024
Indecisive Diner's Dream: Zomato's Order Scheduler!
Always worried about what's for dinner? Or next Monday's lunch? Stop stressing and start scheduling! Plan your meals ahead and let Zomato handle the rest. Because deciding what to eat shouldn't be harder than cooking it!
Jul 12, 2024
LinkedIn Peek-a-Boo
Tired of your messages vanishing into the void? What if LinkedIn showed you the number of unread messages and conversations left on 'seen'? Time to play peek-a-boo with your connections!"
Jul 11, 2024
Introducing Zomato's Next-Day Delight! Select "Previous-Day-Batch"
Some dishes just taste better after a good night's rest. Imagine savoring that perfectly marinated biryani or richly spiced curry with flavors that have had time to truly blossom. It’s not just a meal, it’s a culinary time machine.
Jul 10, 2024
Instacart X Apple Fitness:
This integration will help you achieve that summer bod you always wanted!
Your fitness app monitors your online carts and restricts all unhealthy items. The only way to order them? Either finish your fitness goal, swap them for a healthier option, or get permission from your wife. Say goodbye to weekend binges and hello to a healthier you! This Ridiculous idea might help you achieve that summer bod you've always wanted.
Got ridiculous idea?
We want to hear from you! At Ridiculous Design, we celebrate the power of "what ifs", even when it goes hilariously wrong.
“When logic goes on a vacation, imagination runs the show”
~ ridiculous designer
Oh wait! before you scroll
Now, some of these ideas might seem downright impractical, even impossible even though I have a sketch. But that's the point! By stretching our imaginations and playing with what ifs, we can uncover real, ridiculous solutions to real problems.